Welcome ZEROheads!!!
And NOW for something NEW and completely different!
Take your pick:

"Molecular" Modeling of Global Economic Activity
"Thermonuclear Flux modeling as a historical precedent for above
"Hypersonic Transport for an Electronic World"
"In-Situ Resource Development(ISRD); for a world of 11 billion by the year 2050
"Laser Radio web site and content Copyright Notice, 1996-1997"

"Molecular" Modeling of Global Economic Activity

(read "GLOBAL ECONOMIC MODELING IN REAL TIME...monetary unit-by-unit")
As first described in the Laser Radio honors thesis, (USC/ UCLA, 1977)

As shown in this simple equation, the history of business and all economic activity is simple:


October, 1997:

Because Laser Radio is now taking this research proposal to various Research laboratories and institutions, we're no longer "talking about it".
For more info on "METRO",
please stay tuned to YOUR Laser Radio!

Hypersonic Transport for an Electronic World!

This topic is THE coolest...
er, make that the HOTTEST....
here at Ground Zero!

The image above portrays the National Aero-Space Place (X-30) flight test vehicle,
flying at 150,000 feet over New Orleans... with the Mississippi River below, symbolizing the opening of a new frontier... in (our) Century of Flight! The vehicle is returning to the American southwest desert-- from an envelope-expansion mission over the Atlantic missle test range, east of Florida. The vehicle was designed by John Guthrie of Laser Radio (based on the three contractor concept vehicles being shown in the late 1980's); and was painted by John Lowery of Eagle Engineering, Houston (c)1988.
If you'ld like to read the manuscript of "SPACEPLANES"
(as presented at the First International Conference on Hypersonic Flight, Univ. of North Dakota, 1988)
Send $5.00 check or M/O to:
SPACEPLANES, P.O. Box 100, Rock River, WY 82083

Just imagine an aero-space concept, invented in Russia in the late 1880's
that was then developed by the Germans during World War II as a global strike-bomber
(which seemed like a nifty idea to the U.S. Air Force AFTER the war... and right up until the money essentially ran out in the early 1990's... it WAS a nifty idea!) Single-stage-to-orbit launch vehicles for commercial and military missions, Hypersonic military reconnaisance and strike vehicles, capable of being called "on demand", to go anywhere in the world in minutes! Most recently, Aviation Week made the very good call (in an editorial) to get the "graybeards" (of the X-15 period and NASP) back into business, with SOMETHING to do, lest their expertise be lost!

But... LET'S GET REAL!!!
The Av-Week editorial called for a Mach 15 goal. Who is going to pay for that? And why? What good is a Mach 15 aerospace vehicle? Who needs it? Let's really imagine commercial airliners, flying at (just) FIVE times the speed of sound!
Whisking business and tourist travelers-- between continents-- in just a couple of hours!
ZERO's inventor "wrote the book" on the history and technology of this exciting,
made-first-in-America aerospace initiative! USAF General Lawrence Skantz, commander of the USAF Systems Command, called the manuscript, "Remarkable". The Discovery Channel passed on the TV show-- but the WINGS producer is now looking at the ten minute video demo reel (also available from LASER RADIO for $10.00 post-paid)


for a world of 11 billion people-- by the year 2050!

This "develop it where you find it" kind of natural resource development may be the ONLY way to extract the wealth of the world (in a world of 11 billion) and not have the processes of development cause so many "issues" that the whole world economy becomes overburdened... to a grinding collapse under the weight of 11 billion people by the year 2050! Today, for example, each American requires over a 100 pounds of extracted minerals, per day... just to permit us Americans--alone in the world-- to enjoy our wonderfully-high standard of living! Imagine what the mineral extraction requirements alone will be in the year 2050! Not into shale and mica?
Then think about the "issues" of general overpopulation: Food, energy, deforestation, pollution, infrastructure breakdown!
The potential list of natural and man-made disasters goes on and on!!!

ISRD is the latest scientific initiative of NASA: for a Mars soil-return mission where the spacecraft/ lander will distill its own Earth-return rocket oxidizer from the CO2 atmosphere of Mars!

And if you want to know more about "In situ" here on Earth, call Laser Radio. We know where it's at... and who to put you into touch with (like DBSI of Mill Valley, CA for satellite-monitoring of terrestrial environmental and energy-use data) and who NOT to put you in touch with (ask us and we'll tell you!)

Closing credits and Copyright and Trademark Notice:

LASER RADIO, Inc. is soley responsible for all content on this web site

Creative Credits:

Programming and MORE programming
(and some great page design):
by LASER RADIO of course,
and some more by Jeff DeJournet, a University of Wyoming student

Devin Harris
Jonathan Terry
Johnny "Paint-by-Number Zero" Guthrie


All material posted on this web site--except audio clips-- is copyright-protected by the Laser Radio Corporation, a company registered in Wyoming
...and represented in Denver and Hong Kong by the law firm of Holland and Hart and in Washington DC by the law firm Squires and Choate.
All characters and their portrayals are the sole property of LASER RADIO, (c)and (TM) 1996, including--but not limited to (in all upper/lower-case letter combinations):
WINDOW PEEPER, ROADHOG, "Q" , "Information Highway Billboard Company" and
"The Hitch Hiker of The Information Highway"
All World Rights (and left hooks) Reserved

For more information:
Please contact LASER RADIO at 307- 745- 4170/ fax 742-5136
Or write the company at P.O. Box 1013, Laramie, WY 82073; USA.

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